Social Care Direct
Social Care Direct can assist you to find information and advice to help you live as independently as you can. If your needs are urgent...
Home from hospital service
Our Home from Hospital Service is completely free and could benefit anyone with anxieties about returning home after a stay in hospital. This includes accident ...
Telecare - sensors to keep you safe and independent at home
If you need additional support in your home, you can apply for Telecare, provided by the Care Connect service.
Apply for the Care Connect alarm service
This page tells you how to apply for Care Connect, our community alarm service.
Report a concern about a child
If you have a concern about a child or young person's welfare who lives in County Durham, call First Contact on Tel: 03000 267 979. First Contact brings togethe...
Equipment and services in your home
...own house? Find information about adaptations to your home, equipment to help you carry out everyday activities and personal care.
Apply to rent a home through Durham Key Options
You can apply to rent a home in County Durham through Durham Key Options.
Get your care needs assessed
You may need help in your daily life because you're elderly and/or you have an illness or disability.
Accommodation - choosing somewhere to live
If someone needs care and support to maintain their health and welfare, it may not be an option to live independently. Find details...
About the Care Connect alarm service
Care Connect is a 24 hour, seven day a week, 365 day a year alarm service that provides monitoring and response if you need help at...