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A to Z

On our A to Z you will find an alphabetical list of the services and information we offer, as well as some information about key partner organisations. Please click on the letters below to see what options are available.

Information on public transport, including bus services, journey planners and timetables.
Town and parish councils play an important part in supporting communities across our county. This page gives an explanation of their role and how they are funded and organised.
Parking enforcement and fines, pay a parking fine, make an appeal or challenge a parking ticket, apply for a parking permit, Durham City Park and Ride and the county's town centre car parks information.
Find information about Durham County Council's pest control services for residents, schools and businesses.
Find information about planning including planning applications and decisions, development management, planning policy, planning appeals and enforcement.
Private fostering is the term used to describe an arrangement made privately (without our involvement) where a child under 16 (if disabled, under 18) is cared for and lives with an adult who is not a close relative.
We are responsible for managing nearly 2,200 miles (3,500km) of footpaths, bridleways and byways in the county.
We work alongside community groups, tenants' and landlords' associations, and partners to provide support and advice to private landlords.

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