Civic Pride team
We help residents, community groups, schools and businesses take action to make their neighbourhoods a cleaner and greener place to live.
Encouraging pride in our communities
Tackling environmental crime such as street litter, flytipping, dog fouling and graffiti is not just about enforcement. We also need to encourage and educate everyone to do the right thing and 'do their bit' to make County Durham cleaner, safer and greener.
We can help and support people in developing activities that will make real improvements. As well as helping to organise activities, we can provide activity packs and equipment.
How we can help your local community
Environmental education
We offer various educational packages tailored to the needs of different groups. This include packs featuring County Durham's litter-free mascot Tidy Ted. For more information, please visit our environmental education page.
Environmental campaigns
To tackle many of the environmental issues which affect our local communities, we run several different campaigns every year to encourage and support people to improve their neighbourhoods:
Community support
We can provide support to the community in a number of other ways, including providing equipment for litter picking and support for County Durham in Bloom groups. For more information, please visit our support for the community page.
Apply for a grant
When we seize vehicles which have been used for flytipping, we donate the money raised from their sale back to the community. A grant of up to £500 is available in each of the 14 Area Action Partnership areas and can be used on projects designed to tidy up the area. Contact Civic Pride to apply.
If you'd like more information on any of our activities or campaigns, please Contact Civic Pride.

In partnership with
- Love where you live
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- Telephone 03000 26 0000