Tidy Ted
Tidy Ted is our anti-litter mascot. He visits young people in primary schools, nurseries and Family Hubs to help explain the problems of litter to young people.

Tidy Ted school assemblies
The Tidy Ted school assembly helps to explain what litter is and encourages children to think about the effects of littering on the environment and how they can be part of the solution. The assembly can be followed by an optional litter pick. The assembly is suitable for Key Stage 1 pupils (aged five to seven years).
Tidy Ted story sack
The story of Tidy Ted and the litter pickers uses interactive puppets to follow the lives of woodland animals living in a littered forest. The tale explains how they take steps to clean up the mess and how Tidy Ted comes out of hiding to take a job with the council, visiting schools and cleaning up the streets. The session is suitable for reception classes and years 1 and 2. The Tidy Ted story sack is also available for nursery schools and One Point Children's Centres.
Arrange a visit
If you would like to book Tidy Ted to visit your school for an assembly, or story sack, please Contact Civic Pride.
- Email civicpride@durham.gov.uk
- Telephone 03000 26 0000