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Mental health support for adults

Just like our physical health, our mental health can change constantly and is affected by what is happening around us. Find out about the support available in County Durham.

Supporting our mental health

Mental health problems are common and can happen to anybody. Around 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem this year and a quarter of people will experience a mental health problem at some point in their life. In County Durham over 51,000 adults have depression and 1 in 10 of our children have a diagnosed mental health disorder.

Although mental ill health can happen to any of us, there are many ways we can support our own mental health to try and stay mentally well.

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a mental health crisis, you can now call NHS111 and select option 2 for 24/7 support. 

If you are deaf or have hearing loss please use NHS 111 - British Sign Language (BSL) Service or use the 18001 111 Relay UK app.

Support is still available even if services seem busy at the moment. You can find out where to get urgent help for mental health on the NHS website.

Now You're Talking

Now You're Talking Transcript (PDF, 97 KB)

We've all got stuff going on, but remember, talking to someone you trust can often help. The "Now You're Talking" campaign encourages us all to try and open up about our mental health, and to encourage us to talk to someone we may be worried about. Is there someone you trust, who you could talk to if you're feeling a bit low, anxious or uncertain?

Local support

Mental Health Alliance

The Mental Health Alliance is a new collaborative approach providing a range of support services including prevention, early identification and recovery support for people who are experiencing mental health issues.  This collaborative approach is known as an 'Alliance' where a number of providers pool together their skills, knowledge and resources for the benefit of people in County Durham and aim to provide an improved streamlined service.

The Alliance is a free service for people to access and will provide mental health, wellbeing and recovery services to those needing support. The type of support available will include:

  • Supported accommodation
  • Physical activities
  • Vocational and educational activities
  • Support with employability
  • Befriending
  • Suicide prevention/postvention support
  • Bereavement
  • Relationship support
  • Women only activities
  • Drop-in
  • Floating support - providing support in your own home or in the community
  • Mental health hospital discharge service
  • MH anti-stigma/discrimination awareness training

The service is open for self referral or referrals made by organisations. Please click Referral – Durham Mental Wellbeing Alliance for more information. 

Stamp It Out Partnership Hub

The Stamp It Out Partnership Hub in County Durham works to promote and protect your health, particularly those people living with mental health conditions. It also works to help change the way people think and act about mental health.


Locate - care and support in County Durham gives details of mental health support groups and other organisations which may be able to help.

Talking Changes

Talking Changes deliver counselling services in County Durham and Darlington.

Specialist support teams

You may also be able to get help from specialist health and social care teams drawn from a variety of organisations including the council and the NHS. There are teams to support:

  • people with mental illness and their carers
  • mental illnesses associated with ageing, eg dementia or Alzheimer's
  • learning disabilities

Contact Social Care Direct to find out if any of these services can offer support.

    Don't forget, your local GP is also available to help.

    National support 

    NHS self support

    5 steps to wellbeing 

    The NHS 5 steps to wellbeing offers advice on things you can do to improve your mental health and wellbeing, this includes: 

    1. Connecting with people
    2. Be physically active
    3. Learn new skills
    4. Give to others
    5. Pay attention to the present moment 

    View the  NHS: 5 steps to mental wellbeing for advice and information on the 5 steps to wellbeing.

    Every mind matters 

    The NHSs NHS: Every Mind Matters offers advice on little things that can help lift your mood. This could be as simple as taking a walk, prioritising sleep or talking to a friend. 

    Take the NHS: Your Mind Plan quiz to get a free plan with tips to help deal with stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, boost your mood and feel more in control. If you are an Amazon Alexa user ask it to 'Alexa, start Mind Plan' for help today. 


    Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. In particular, MIND gives tips for everyday living.

    National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK

    The National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK is a compassionate and understanding lifeline for those grappling with their mental wellbeing or thoughts of suicide. Lines are open every day from 6.00pm until midnight, offering a safe haven for anyone who needs someone to talk to.  


    RABI provide bespoke mental health support for farming people, through trained councillors who understand the farming community. This includes free in-person counselling and an online click and chat service.

    Get help

    If you feel you need a little extra support, there are care and support services available to help you.

    You can also download and print Mental health and emotional support for adults in County Durham (PDF, 185 KB) as a great starting point to help you access support. Opening times may change over holiday periods, so please check an organisation's website for the most up to date information.

    Training and awareness 

    Access the  Mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention training for a range of courses aimed to raise awareness of mental health and support that is available. 


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