Job support if you have a disability or mental health condition (DurhamEnable)
If you are aged 18 years or over, DurhamEnable can support you to find a job.
We have a team of job coaches across County Durham to support you in work and beyond to ensure you are confident and settled in your workplace.
Who we can support
We can support you if you continue to face significant barriers to entering work as a result of:
- the long term nature of a disability
- the potential long term impact of deteriorating mental health
This may be because of a long term diagnosis of a learning disability/difficulty, Autism or a physical or sensory impairment. Additionally, if you have difficulties with mental ill health you can benefit from one to one support to gain work and progress to better health.
We can give you personalised support to help you to develop the skills and confidence needed to apply for jobs and get into work. We can also support you in work when you get a job.
To find out more visit the DurhamEnable website.
DurhamEnable video transcript (PDF, 88 KB)
How to get referred
If you think you would benefit from DurhamEnable's support, you can make a self-referral, Contact DurhamEnable.
If you are currently working with other services, such as our social work team, or our community health and education teams, Jobcentre Plus or Durham County Carers Support, they can make a referral to DurhamEnable on your behalf.
Mental health support for DurhamEnable jobseekers
If you are registered with us and need additional support with mental health needs, Durham HELP can help you make positive changes to overcome mental health difficulties on your employment journey. They can support you if you are struggling with:
- depression
- anxiety
- low self esteem and confidence
- emotional resilience
Support is delivered by a Mental Health Employment Practitioner (MHEP) using methods proven by research and evidence. Durham HELP takes referrals internally. If you think you would benefit from support, you can speak to your Job Coach for more information.
DurhamEnable is a Supported Employment service funded by the UK Government and provided by Durham County Council.

In partnership with
- DurhamEnable