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Transforming communities in County Durham

We are regenerating the county's towns and villages, improving the areas where people live, work and visit. We will speed up this work through our Towns and Villages programme.

We base our regeneration projects on what you have told us you need. Our aim is to improve the lives of everyone, including those in rural communities.

Over the last ten years we've invested £38 million into town centre regeneration. The current investment programme will fund projects to help improve job opportunities, transport infrastructure and housing, and support the county's businesses.

We will spend a further £20 million on developments that will help our most disadvantaged communities, and we will invest £5 million to support our Area Action Partnerships with their own projects, in consultation with you.

See our future plans

Our projects and priorities are in our Town Investment Plan (PDF, 9 MB). We plan to:

  • support our businesses and retailers, making them resilient to change
  • improve the fabric of your neighbourhoods and town centres
  • create more and better jobs
  • sort out vacant buildings
  • improve walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure
  • increase digital connectivity
  • create opportunities for physical activity to enhance your wellbeing
  • make sure the county's housing is fit for your needs
  • help the county recover from the Covid-19 pandemic
Towns and villages Towns and villages - mobile version

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