Local Transport Plan (LTP) 3 assessments
Department for Transport (DfT) guidance on the preparation of local transport plans requires that a number of statutory assessments...
Emergency plans and planning
Whether you are a householder, a business or a community, it's important to plan ahead to avoid being caught out in emergencies. Find...
Local Land Charges search a house or plot of land, your solicitor will make a search application to our Local Land Charges section. The search will show what...
Local Nature Recovery Strategy
We are developing our Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS).
Welcome to Durham's Local Offer
Our Local Offer information has been developed to allow parents, carers and young people see more clearly what services are available...
What is the County Durham Plan?
All councils are required to have a plan for development in their area known as a Local Plan. Ours is called the County Durham Plan
Housing regeneration - partnerships, policies and plans
On this page you'll find details of partnerships, policies and plans which shape our approach to improving private sector housing in...
Easington local land charges documents
...2 Register part 3 Register part 4 Register part 6 Register part 10 Smoke control plans We are legally required to make these documents...
Productivity Plan
All councils in England are required to produce a Productivity Plan. Our Plan sets out how we will improve performance and reduce unnecessary...
School travel plan resources
This page will help schools with all aspects of school travel planning. The information can also be used by developers and consultants...