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We want to give everyone who lives, works or visits County Durham the chance to help improve our services and influence the decisions we make. One way we do this is by giving individuals, businesses and organisations the chance to have their say about subjects and services which they have an interest in.

Budget proposals for 2025/6 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2026-2029

Have your say on our budget proposals for 2025/26, as well as on how we meet the financial challenges we face over the next four years.

Consultation on our budget proposals for 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2026-2029

The deadline for comments is 5.00pm on Friday 1 November 2024.

Healthy Start Scheme survey

We want to better understand peoples' experience of the Healthy Start scheme in County Durham so that more people gain from its benefits.

Healthy Start Scheme survey

The closing date for comments is 5.00pm on Friday 22 November 2024.

Bearpark Community Centre site

Have your say on the future of the Bearpark Community Centre site - what would you like to see there that could offer recreation for you and the village?

Options for the future of the Bearpark Community Centre site

The closing date for comments is 5.00pm on Sunday 17 November 2024.

The cultural heritage of Durham City

We are reviewing the existing Durham City Conservation Area and producing a Management Plan to help develop a positive future management strategy to conserve and where possible enhance the city's historic buildings, sites, places, and landscapes.

Have your say to help us protect the cultural heritage of Durham City

The closing date for comments is 5.00pm on Monday 25 November 2024.

The vision for Durham City's future

We need your help to create a new vision for Durham City. Changes in the way our cities and towns are used mean that we want you to share your thoughts on the city's strengths, opportunities, challenges, and your hopes for its future.

Help shape Durham City's future

The closing date for comments is 5.00pm on Monday 25 November 2024.

Why we consult

We want to give everyone who lives, works or visits County Durham the chance to help improve our services and influence the decisions we make. One way we do this is by giving individuals, businesses and organisations the chance to have their say about subjects and services which they have an interest in. We may also have a legal duty to consult with you, for example, before making big changes to any of our services. Listening to, and taking onboard, your views, helps us make sure our services meet the needs of our communities.

We use different levels of engagement - sometimes we ask you to be involved from the start in shaping plans and services (co-production) and sometimes it is more appropriate that we draw up draft proposals first (consultation). Once complete, we feed back the outcome of each consultation and how your feedback has influenced it. 

We try our best to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to join in:

  • We make printed copies of all our surveys available in our Customer Access Points and libraries as well as online.
  • We produce information and surveys in Easy Read formats for people with learning disabilities and can produce documents in large print, another language or other formats on request.

For more details on how we consult, please see our  Consultation Statement (PDF) [165KB] . If you'd like to know more about what we do, would like one of our current consultations in an alternative format, or are finding our service difficult to access, please Contact Consultations.


We work on a variety of planning schemes across the county and some of these applications require a consultation process. Our Statement of Community Involvement explains how we consult on planning issues currently, including:

Previous consultations and feedback from them

When our consultations close, we analyse the information we receive and make decisions based on that information. Find out about previous consultations:

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