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Please be aware that our Council Tax Registration (Open Portal) and Welfare Assistance/Discretionary Awards forms will not be available until Monday 29 July due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Recruitment and retention

As the demand for care and support grows, so does the need to recruit and retain more workers to deliver high quality care and support.

We are here to provide practical support to our independent sector social care providers to help you successfully recruit and retain staff. This section provides information and support which will help you with:

  • recruiting people with the right values and behaviours, who are more likely to stay
  • sharing practical, actionable recruitment and retention tips for care providers
  • keeping you up to date on the latest training and development opportunities for recruitment and retention

Top tips for retention - A briefing for adult social care providers

These Local Government Association: Top tips for retention developed by Care Provider Alliance, ADASS and Local Government Association capture some of the approaches taken by organisations to reduce staff turnover and help retain people in the care and health workforce.

Recruitment support - Better Hiring Toolkit

In partnership with a range of safe and fair recruitment experts,The Better Hiring Institute have created the Better Hiring Toolkit to help support you to recruit safely and effectively. It includes guidance, resources and templates to help you gather information whilst following legal requirements and ensuring you are taking essential safeguarding measures.

You can access the toolkit at BHI: Better Hiring Toolkit

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