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Please be aware that our Council Tax Registration (Open Portal) and Welfare Assistance/Discretionary Awards forms will not be available until Monday 29 July due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Licensing Act 2003 applications

On this page you can view details of ongoing Licensing Act applications for premises and club premises.

If you want to make a representation, either opposing or supporting an application, it must be made in writing by the deadline date. Contact Licensing by email with the subject line of 'Licensing Act applications'.

Any representations received must relate to at least one of the following licensing objectives:

  • The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
  • Public Safety
  • The Prevention of Public Nuisance
  • The Protection of Children from Harm

It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence.

Applications below are listed by deadline date.

Applicant detailsPremises detailsSummary of applicationDeadline for representations
Durham UniversityTwo Marquees at Durham University Rushford Court Club
Rushford Court 
North Road 

Application for the Grant of a Club Premises Certificate 

  • This application is for a time limited club premises certificate from 28 September 2024 to 14 December 2024
  • Supply of alcohol (on and off the premises) Monday to Saturday 12.00pm to 11.00pm, Sunday 12.00pm to 10.30pm
24 July 2024
Mrs Carol Madeley

The Westlea Sports and Family Bar
5 West Grove

Application to vary a premises licence

  • To amend the plan of the premises to reflect internal changes which includes a separate restaurant area.
  • To amend the existing condition relating to door staff.
  • To add boxing and wrestling entertainment (indoors) Friday to Sunday 6.00pm to 10.00pm
  • To add live music and recorded music (indoors) Saturday and Sunday 11.00pm to midnight
26 July 2024
Northern Stores and Deli

Café at the Quarter
38 High Street
Prince Bishops Shopping Centre

Application for the grant of a premises licence

Sale of alcohol (on and off the premises) Monday to Sunday 10.00am to 11.00pm

30 July 2024
Bloom n Witches Limited

Bloom n Witches
3-5 High Street
1st Floor
Room 7B
DL16 6AG

Application for the grant of a premises licence

Sale of alcohol (on the premises) Monday to Sunday 11.00am to 11.00pm

31 July 2024
Greene King Brewing and Retailing Limited

Sportsman's Arms
Moor End Terrace

Minor variation of a premises licence

  • To amend the plan attached to the premises licence to reflect a change in layout.  The changes are as follows:
    • Reduction in licensed trade area, to form larger ladies' toilets.
    • Relocation of cellar from basement to the ground floor.
    • Revised fixed seating and bar servery location within the already licensed area.
    • Introduction of new fire escape from the first floor.
  • Furthermore, amend the condition in Annex 2 relating to Pub watch.
    • "The DPS or suitably nominated colleague to regularly attend Pub watch or other similar scheme" shall now read as follows: "Where Pub watch or a similar scheme is available, the DPS or suitably nominated colleague shall regularly attend those meetings."

5 August 2024

Admiral Taverns LimitedBrawns Den
Winchester Road

Minor variation of a premises licence 

To remove condition the following condition from annex 2 of the current premises licence:

"Children must be accompanied by an adult and are not allowed in the premises after 19.00hrs." 

It shall be replaced by the following two conditions:

  1. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
  2. Children are not allowed in the premises after 19.00hrs unless sitting down for a meal.
6 August 2024
CD Wines LimitedCrush
76 North Road 

Application for the grant of a premises licence 

Sale of alcohol (on the premises) Monday to Sunday 12.00pm to 11.00pm

7 August 2024
Mrs Carol Madeley

The Westlea Sports and Family Bar
5 West Grove

Application to vary a premises licence

  • To amend the plan of the premises to reflect internal changes which includes a separate restaurant area.
  • To amend the existing condition relating to door staff.
  • To add boxing and wrestling entertainment (indoors) Friday to Sunday 6.00pm to 10.00pm
  • To add recorded music (indoors) Saturday and Sunday 11.00pm to midnight
14 August 2024
Mr Allan Harley

The Changing Room
Workshop Media House
Hobson Industrial Estate
NE16 6EA

Application for the grant of a premises licence

  • Live music (indoors) Thursday to Saturday 11.00pm to midnight, New Year's Eve 11.00pm to 1.30am
  • Recorded music (indoors) Thursday to Saturday 11.00pm to midnight, New Year's Eve 11.00pm to 1.30am
  • Late night refreshment (indoors) Thursday to Saturday 11.00pm to midnight, New Year's Eve 11.00pm to 1.30am
  • Sale of alcohol (on and off the premises) Sunday to Wednesday 11.00am to 11.00pm, Thursday to Saturday 11.00am to midnight, New Year's Eve 11.00am to 1.30am
15 August 2024

The full Licensing Register/application can be viewed on appointment at:

Annand House
John Street North
County Durham

You can also contact us to request further information on any of the applications.

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