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Community Action Scheme

The Community Action Scheme brings together residents and a range of organisations to tackle housing and environmental issues in a specific area by identifying local priorities and making best use of resources.

Who takes part in the scheme

The Community Action Scheme is led by our Community Action Team (CAT), which includes members of our Community Protection Service, planning, Neighbourhood wardens and housing teams, who work alongside police and community support officers and fire and rescue teams. As well as delivering some level of enforcement, we have a key role in promoting health and healthier lifestyles.

While we stay involved throughout the programme, other partners may join in the delivery of certain programmes in line with identified problems or issues.

Why this work is happening

We work across the county and provide resources to target particular areas and problems. We use enforcement powers to encourage owners, occupiers and landlords to take responsibility for their neighbourhood and their properties.

How it works

We normally deliver an 11 week rolling programme, moving around the county and focusing on a certain community each time. This breaks down into:

  • 2 weeks of identifying issues and planning priorities
  • 7 weeks of action
  • 2 weeks of review

When moved on to another area, any new issues are then dealt with by the existing services in the area. This unique project model, working alongside the community to improve local conditions, means that the impact of the Community Action Scheme continues beyond the project period, with residents experiencing longer-term benefits.

What happens

We will ask residents, businesses and members of the local community for input in areas and problems they would like us to tackle.

Information from those involved with the community informs the main priorities chosen by residents during a residents' engagement event at the start of the CAT programme. We then focus on these during our weeks of action.

Our previous project

We have just finished an 11 week programme of works in Deaf Hill. 

We tackled 250 reported issues of concern and served over 50 legal notices.

Our Current Project

We are preparing to move to Blackhall Colliery where we will be until 4 April 2025. This is an 11 week project to tackle housing, antisocial behaviour and environmental issues. We will concentrate on the following streets: Aged Miners Homes; Aspatria Avenue; Coast Road; Coronation Avenue; Corry Close; Dene Road; East Street; Eighth Street; Eleventh Street; Enid Gardens; Fifth Street; First Street; Fourth Street; Hardwick Court; Hardwick Street; Hepscott Avenue; Middle Street; Ninth Street; Park Avenue; School Avenue; Second Street; Seventh Street; Sixth Street; Tenth Street; Third Street; Thornton Terrace; West Avenue; West Street and West Street Cottages. 

What we're doing

You've told us you'd like to see us tackle: dog fouling, both in yards and in the wider community; dumped rubbish and empty properties. There were also high number of local concerns about antisocial behaviour and private rented propertiesso we've categorised them as secondary priorities.

Give us your views 

We'd love to hear your views if you live, work or visit the area: Give us your views on Blackhall Colliery

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