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Behaviour on home to school/college transport

We expect good behaviour from children when using the school transport we provide.

The behaviour of the vast majority of children whilst travelling is good; however, the conduct of a small percentage of children gives cause for concern. This is unacceptable. When you apply for home to school transport for your child, you are required to sign a declaration stating that you agree to uphold good behaviour. Parents have a key role to play and you are responsible for the conduct of your children. 

If there is poor behaviour on home to school or home to college transport, the behaviour transport officers will work with the school/college to investigate and together will decide if the behaviour warrants a caution or whether we will ban the student for a specified period of time. The behaviour transport officers will send a leaflet out with the letter reminding you of your rights and responsibilities as parents highlighted in the  Behaviour on Home to School Transport Policy (PDF) [121KB]  and in our Home to primary, secondary and special school and college travel and transport policy (PDF) [302KB] .

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