Consultation on Main Modifications to the County Durham Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations Development Plan Document (stage four)
...are preparing a new planning document called the County Durham Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations Development Plan Document (M&WDPD)....
Brown tourist signs
Information on our policy and central government guidance about using brown tourist signs.
Secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of disclosure information
The following is our policy statement on the secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of disclosures and disclosure information
Records management
...provides details on records management and information within the council and explains why we need a corporate records management policy.
Planning, Property & Environment
...about planning including planning applications and decisions, development management, planning policy, planning appeals and enforcement.
Overview and scrutiny scrutinise decisions of the executive; to hold them to account and make recommendations on policy development and implementation.
Strategies, plans and documents
Strategies, plans and policies for the council. Finance, audit and legal Health and social care Children and young people Housing and regeneration...
Sustainable modes of travel strategy
This page tells you about the general arrangements and policies for transport for pupils of compulsory school age to and from schools,...
What happens to my waste and recycling
Our waste management strategy sets out a clear policy and actions to help guide future waste management decisions in County Durham.
How to develop a Framework Travel Plan (for planning applications)
...(sometimes called an interim travel plan) to be submitted as part of the planning application, in line with local and national policy.