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Highway Design Guide consultation

We want your views on proposed amendment to our Highway Design Guide.

The change proposed to the width of estate roads is still being considered as part of the  which completed its third round of consultation in July 2023. The document is being finalised and will be adopted by us in 2023.


The Highway Design Guide was adopted in 2014 and sets out requirements for developers and council staff relating to residential roads and pavements.

What we are proposing

We propose to update the guide to require that all estate roads are 5.5m wide regardless of the size of the development.

Previously on developments of less than 100 properties, the minimum width of the road could be reduced to 4.8m.

The proposal is to encourage people not to park on pavements

This proposed change will also be included in the revised Residential Amenity Supplementary Planning Document we are also currently consulting on.

Have your say

The closing date for comments was Tuesday 7 June 2022 at 5.00pm.

What happens next

Responses to the consultation will be included in a Statement of Community Involvement and will be considered prior to adoption of the final document in Summer 2022.

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