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Physical activity in Early Years settings

Being physically active every day is important for the healthy growth and development of babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Children undergo rapid and wide-ranging physical developments in their early years which contribute to their future health and wellbeing, including their cognitive development. Physical development helps maintain a healthy weight, develop strong bones, muscles and heart.

Early years settings can provide physical activity opportunities within existing practice and promote and support families to increase physical activity within the home by:

  • promoting the physical activity guidelines in the setting, and with staff and families 
  • providing daily opportunities in the setting for children to be physically active both indoors and out
  • training and supporting your staff to increase their knowledge and confidence when delivering and promoting physical activity
  • engaging and working with external partners and agencies

Programmes, training and resources

You can access the programmes, training and resources below to support you to increase physical activity opportunities in your setting.


Ready Sett Go

Ready Sett Go is a 10 week physical activity programme aimed at improving children's physical literacy through a range of fun fundamental movement skills and activities. Practitioners attend a CPD session and settings will be given a kit bag to support the sustainability of the programme after the 10 week period.

For more information see Leisure website: community sport development.

Move with Max

Move with Max is an evidence-based movement programme aimed at Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) that teaches fundamental movement skills through readily available story books.

For more information see Go well: Move with Max.

Active 30 Durham 

The Active 30 Durham campaign aims to support schools in County Durham to reach the Physical Activity Guidelines of every child participating in 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activity every day at school.

For more information see Active 30 Durham.




Activities, information and campaigns

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