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Supported employment for young people

We run a series of courses to broaden skills and experience and help improve your prospects and get employment.

Enquire about DurhamLearn courses to ask for further information on any of our courses, or alternatively you can Contact Durham Learn by phone or email.

Please note we can enrol you on a course after the start date has passed.

Future Focus

Learners are supported and encouraged to make realistic choices about their future employment and living preferences, as they prepare for adulthood following the key themes of employment, independent living, good health, community inclusion and relationships.

We introduce our young people to the world of work encouraging them to gain volunteer experience and learn more about their skills and areas for development. We offer a variety of enrichment activities to improve communication skills and build learner confidence.

Future Focus is a full-time study programme available to young people ideally 18 to 24 years and working at minimum Entry Level two English and maths.

New course dates will be announced soon or use Enquire about DurhamLearn courses to ask for further information on any of our courses, or alternatively you can contact us by phone or email.

Supported internship

Our Supported Internship main aim is to assist learners into sustainable, paid employment or volunteering. All Interns take part in work placements, whilst also engaging in English and maths studies at levels appropriate to them alongside any beneficial, vocationally relevant qualification that may help them to gain their desired employment.

Programmes are individual to the learner and are designed with them, informed by thorough vocational profiling and job matching activities with a tutor, supported employment officer and job coach(es) who ensure that Interns are fully supported to make their first steps into a workplace, and then step back as confidence and proficiency in their role grows.

DurhamLearn's Supported Internships are available to young people with a current Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), ideally 18 to 24 years and achieved a minimum Entry Level 2 maths and English (or equivalent).

The Supported Internship will include a work experience placement of one to three days and will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

New course dates will be announced soon or use Enquire about DurhamLearn courses to ask for further information on any of our courses, or alternatively you can contact us by phone or email.

Get Into 16+ programme

Our Get Into 16+ programme will equip you with the confidence, mindset, and skills you need to succeed and move forward. Whether you are considering moving into an apprenticeship or getting a job, the programme is designed to help you to achieve your goals.

From help with application forms to interview techniques, as well as providing specific qualifications, employability skills, and careers advice and guidance, we will support you every step of the way. The programme is available to anyone who has achieved a minimum of entry level 2 in maths and English (or equivalent), or working at entry level 3 maths or English, but can have also achieved up to a maximum level 3 qualification.

The programme will include a work experience placement of one to three days and will take place Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

New course dates will be announced soon or use Enquire about DurhamLearn courses to ask for further information on any of our courses, or alternatively you can contact us by phone or email.


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